We Are Serious About Photography
This Place is For YOU!
Professional Photographers
We are so excited to open for our 4th Annual Tulip Season!
This year we are coming back bigger and better with almost 40 varieties that will create the perfect backdrop. Photographers have been some of our biggest supporters, and we can't thank you all enough! The way you capture our fields is absolutely breathtaking and we can't wait to welcome you and your clients.
When planning your professional sessions at the farm, there are a few things you should know:
Scheduling Sessions:
Photographers will purchase separate tickets based on the amount of time needed for their sessions
Tickets will be sold on our website
Prices: $40/hr or $60/day
Photographer tickets do not have an exact time they have to be used but will be date restricted.
Since, they are more costly we do allow photographers the flexibility to reschedule and being able to purchase tickets for your clients the day of the shoot.
Clients will have to buy their own admission tickets and pay per stem on the way out if they choose to pick flowers
Tickets will be available for purchase one week before our opening
Photographer Ticket Link Below:

Tulip Bloom:
We are anticipating our opening weekend to be April 18th, but this date may change depending on the bloom
Tulips will stay in bloom for about a month, but we recommend booking photography sessions within the first 2-3 weeks of the season to ensure flowers are at their peak for your photos
Sunflower Bloom:
We are anticipating our sunflower season to open the first week of August 2022. Depending on mother nature things may change slightly, but not much. Sunflower peak bloom will last 3 weeks.
What to Expect:
Over a two dozen breeds were planted so you will have a wide variety of colors to work with!
Please keep in mind that Spring is a wet season so it may be a good idea to advise your clients on how to dress appropriately for their sessions. Nice shoes are not recommended!
We will be providing plenty of props and backdrops including:
Antique tractor(s)
Wicker flower baskets
Backdrop area with bench